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The 11:11 Awakening Code Phenomenon and H.A.A.R.P. – WHAT’S THE CONNECTION?

Please watch this short video on the 11:11 Awakening Code – And then read my brief commentary that follows:

And so, I invite us all to wonder: Is it possible that certain New Age leaders and self-appointed “Spiritual Explorers” like David Sereda are correct, and we who experience the 11:11 Awakening Code Phenomenon (myself included) are being prompted to remember our “Mission” and prepare for the 2012 “dimensional shift”? Are we perhaps indeed experiencing a positive force, or phenomenon, that will eventually usher most of humanity into the “New Age” of Global Higher Consciousness, as this video suggests? For many years now I have assumed this to be so. However, based on recent extensive research I have done in relation to HAARP and the supposedly mythical NASA Project Blue Beam, I am increasingly willing to also entertain the possibility that the 11:11 Awakening Code Movement and its adoption of David Sereda’s 2012 End-Time Prophecy may be playing right into the nefarious plans of “shadowy government” and its long-rumored “Black Ops” agenda – which possibly may include using Advanced Tesla Technology to inspire fear, gain control, and ultimately install a New World Order.

Said differently: Based on my continued research, I am increasingly of the mind that shadowy government may be covertly “hijacking,” or “co-opting,” the 11:11 Code Awakening Movement and its message of Global Spiritual Awakening via people like David Sereda and others who encourage us to believe that we will all be transitioning into some sort of “5th Dimensional New Age” – And therefore we do not need to pay too much attention to current “real world” issues, much less work toward sociopolitical and/or environmental change. In certain ways, by believing we will all escape our current Social Systems via an impending “dimensional shift”, 11:11 Awakening Code people who are convinced they will be leaving this current, “3rd Dimensional” world behind in 2012, as described by David Sereda and others who promote similar “transformational” ideas, are not so different than Fundamentalist Christians who believe they will escape difficult earthly realities via the miracle of the Rapture. In both cases, it is a false transcendence – That is, it is a form of denial and escape. Clearly, such a psychological stance will inhibit our joining together to become a powerful, collective force of change in the world at this time – And this may be just what “shadowy government” and other powerful, elite forces are banking on.

What I do know is that the many Sky Anomalies witnessed around the world the past few years bear distinct, visible features that suggest they were indeed created by HAARP / EISCAT-type facilities, which possess vast Arrays located strategically around the world. And people like David Sereda are not acknowledging that this may indeed be Advanced Tesla Technology at work – Technology that may be causing terrible destruction to our planet – For more information specifically on this, go here: I am frankly bothered by what presents as our collective sociopolitical and environmental apathy in the face of what amounts to Global Environmental Homicide.

In summation, I continue to be disturbed by the fact that the very real threat posed by what appears to be the non-benign use of Tesla Technology, and the possible resulting destruction (including “natural disasters,” severe weather, earthquakes, and sky anomalies – all potentially caused by HAARP / EISCAT-type arrays, or facilities) are being viewed by many in the New Age community as “Spiritual” events, ones that we should embrace as a sign of the 2012 “End Time” Prophecy promoted by Sereda and others at this time. As author of this blog, I think that further exploration of this possibility is warranted. I hope you come along for the ride.